新的健康 & Wellness Building to be Named in Honor of William Allen Hudgins



The 十大网赌正规网址官网区 Board voted on Wednesday, 2021年10月27日, to name the new St. 菲利普大学健康 & Wellness Building in honor of William Allen Hudgins who contributed nearly 40 years of service to St. 菲利普学院和他的社区.

哈金斯是圣霍普金斯大学的第一位篮球教练. Philip’s 大学 where he served as a role model to young men for 18 years. 作为教练, he encouraged high academic st和ards while overseeing the mental health, 增长, 以及团队成员的发展. He was committed to strengthening the development of children of color in the community. Hudgins (affectionately known as “Coach” 和 “Meatboy”) is prominently displayed as a part of the St. Philip’s 大学 Historical Legacy Wall located in the Bowden Center on the Third Floor of the Sutton Learning Center.

Hudgins was the fifth child of five children born to 约翰和阿蒂 Hudgins in Mathews County, 5月9日弗吉尼亚州, 1917. At age six his mother moved to Phoebus, Virginia where he attended the Whittier School. 从惠蒂尔学校毕业后,他去了乔治P. Phenix High School where he excelled in academics 和 athletics. 当他高中毕业时, he was offered an athletic scholarship to Virginia State University but opted to take a work-study scholarship at Hampton Institute in 1935. It was at Hampton Institute that he became a legendary “Hampton Pirate” playing for the great coaches during that time, 吉迪恩·史密斯, 查尔斯H. 威廉姆斯(CIAA的创始人)和赫尔曼·“巴克”·尼尔森. Hudgins was considered one of the premier athletes earning the title “3-LETTER MAN” for his athletic success in football, 篮球, 和跟踪. 1940年,他完成了汉普顿学院的学业, he earned a Master's Degree from the University of Pennsylvania 和 was also the 篮球 coach at Cambridge High School in Baltimore, 马里兰.

In 1942, he enlisted in the Army Air Corps as a Tuskegee Airman but was too tall to fit in the fighter planes during that time. He then became a Tuskegee Airman trainer 和 applied to Officer’s C和idate School (OCS), 被接受, 来到圣安东尼奥, 德克萨斯州参加. Hudgins coached track 和 field 和 was an assistant football coach at Bishop 大学 from 1948 to 1949. In 1949, he was offered a job as the first 篮球 coach at St. Philip’s 大学 where he served as the only 篮球 coach for 18 years. 他还担任了19年的学生事务主任. 他从圣。. 1982年的菲利普餐厅.

哈金斯.jpgHe lived a long, full, meaningful life 和 served as a mentor to many African American young adults. 他的主要成就之一是他教了大约3,000 African American children how to swim during vacations before segregation ended. 他是第二浸信会的长期成员, a life member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 朝臣的创始成员, 欧米茄-普赛-菲兄弟会的成员, 公司.他是汉普顿大学校友会的成员. In January 2011, he was inducted into the Hampton University Athletic Hall of Fame.

Hudgins passed away on June 13, 2011, peaceably watching television in his favorite chair. 他的父母先于他去世, 约翰和阿蒂, 姐姐莉娜, 莫里斯兄弟, 约翰, 和林赛, 还有和他结婚58年的爱妻, 清漆. He is survived by his daughter Patricia, son William Allen Jr. (比利), 威廉·艾伦三世(B), Channon Teria, 珍妮弗帕特里斯, 莎拉Hollie, great-gr和daughter Morgan Simone 和 a host of other relatives 和 friends.

The new William Allen Hudgins Health 和 Wellness (WAH) Building will replace the existing college fitness center built in 1949. 57,000-square-foot two-story gymnasium 和 natatorium will include an elevated track, 短池游泳池, 治疗池, 重量, 有氧训练空间, 有氧工作室, 有氧运动的工作室, 运动学教学实验室, 急救/心肺复苏术, 按摩疗法, 收集空间, 以及员工办公室. 该建筑将于2022年完工.

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