
标题: Assistant 教授essor, Mathematics
部门: Math, Computer Science, and Engineering (MCSE)


维多利亚G. Rivas is an Assistant 教授essor of Mathematics and CoLead Faculty Coordinator for the Faculty-Student Mentoring program at 十大网赌正规网址官网 大学 (check out our Webpage: www.阿拉莫.edu/nlc/fsm). She is a first-generation, 特加纳的大学生, and an alumnus of Texas Lutheran University, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and minored in Biology and Music. She is also an alumnus of the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥, where she earned a Master of Science in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, and is currently back at UTSA working on her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching with the Department of Education and Human Development.

教授. Rivas is grateful to be a faculty mentor, a member of the 区-wide Mentoring Conference Committee, a member of the NLC 荣誉学院, NLC雇员, and being an ILT doctoral student with UTSA because all of these groups are focused on establishing diverse, 公平的, and inclusive partnerships with its communities, promoting 订婚 in civic activities and organizations, encouraging participation in cultural and enrichment programs, and above all focusing on student learning, 订婚, 自我效能感, 和成功. In her day-to-day work life, she is leading and motivating students who may come from underprivileged circumstances and encourages them that anyone can rise above and become who they want to be. Her main goal as a college professor is to be a light for her students, and inspire them to, "...be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.历代志下15:7